jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018



-Hello, good morning, my name is Juan and I would like to know a bit about the eco-park facilities
-hello, great pleasure, I will tell you a little about what you will find in our eco-park; Here you will find a lot of variety of flora, and fauna we have lions, elephants, and another variety of animals
-how interesting this place looks, and you could also find recreational places
-yes, you will find, pool tables, soccer tables, ecological walks, rock or wall climbing, and competitions in sacks, etc.
- Thank you very much, they are great activities
- I hope you enjoy a lot in our eco-park.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Our fundamental objective besides recreating is to be able to teach the importance of conserving natural resources and protecting the environment.
Our facilities include paintball, mechanical bull, climber, soccer and basketball courts, a recreational lake you can also find a rest area which contains billiards pool, toad game, hockey tables and football
